The Kalasha lady's appearance :-
The Kalasha lady's appearance :-
The main
thing one can see about these individuals is their cordiality and their chipper
attitude demonstrated particularly on female appearances. Regardless of in what
circumstance they will be they will welcome one another with an agreeable grin
and kiss on one another's hands, the Kalasha way. Regardless of the unforgiving
environment and rather primitive method for living their just fuel being the
wood they need to cut and carry on their back-their life is a steady
celebration. Aside from the religious festivals held in every one of the four
seasons of the year, there is dependably a get-together for them to celebrate
and have a decent time: whether there is a festival for the new-conceived
infant, or the six-year-old kids entering the Kalasha society or a wedding or
even a memorial service; whatever the occasion, they share the function by
playing so as to move and singing or the drum or drinking wine. So, they
appreciate life. Furthermore, the essential part in the social and social life
is played by the Kalasha lady. To start with, what recognizes her from the male
individuals from the group is her crown and her ensemble, both of which she
wears regardless of where she is: in the field, doing the diligent work, for
example, burrowing or watering the fields, in the cow stable, in the house, at
the festival. She will dependably look a la mode and clean and to a great
degree fastidious with her appearance. On extraordinary events, for example,
the Spring celebration (the Zhoshi), for instance, she would paint her face
with a cream produced using smoldered goat horn and spread. She would likewise
make up her face and eyes with various shading paints. The goat horn cream
likewise has recuperating impact.
The shuman :-
These are woolen strips finger woven without a weaving machine. They are
utilized as a lady's or a young lady's available keeping in mind the end goal
to respect a visitor or a good or dearest individual.[1]
The Kalasha lady's haircut :-
They are to a great degree careful about their hairdo. They wash their
long hair in the Kunar waterway and afterward in the wake of brushing it
completely they make five plaits, the cu'i: one hanging down sideways on the
temple two on top of the head holding tight the sides behind the ears and two
beginning from the back of the head simply over the neck and hanging down the
back. Amid the Zhoshi celebrations in May I saw some young ladies, understudies
at Chitral College or other officially taught Kalasha ladies, wearing their
hair just in three plaits rather than five. Does this mean one more loss of
Kalasha society due to instruction? I can scarcely trust that
The women of Kalash wear long dull free robes with splendid weavings and
cowrie shells. These women are also found wearing wonderful spots and bits of
adornments that further remember them from alternate women of the Chitral
region. They enhance their dim robes by making use of excellent since a long
time back bent head wears. The folks of the Kalash notwithstanding what may be
normal have gotten the Pakistani national dress i.e. the shalwar kameez and are
oftentimes found wearing waistcoats over them. They furthermore wear tops
typical toward the northern scope of Pakistan.
The overall public of Kalash stroll to a substitute drummer. Their
conventions and traditions are as different as day and night, especially
vis–à–vis the thought of marriage. Marriage by elopement is more customary in
the Kalash valley and is in like manner typical amongst women who are presently
hitched to another man. Frankly, wife elopement is thought to be one of the
monstrous customs of the all inclusive community of Kalash.
Exactly when a man and woman get hitched the man pays the woman's family
a particular total with a particular final objective to have her. Right when a
woman needs to surrender her present life partner and marry some other man, she
offers herself to that man and instructs him of how much her present mate had
paid for her. All together for the man to marry a formally married woman he
needs to pay twofold the aggregate to have.[2]
Dress and status :-
The purest woolen dress is shown to an adolescent when he/she is around
three to four years old before the chelumjoshi festivity. As the tyke turns out
to be more prepared the same dress is balanced. The adolescent is instructed
about the importance and giganticness of the outfit and is affirmed to keep the
uprightness and purged sentinel. In the past the dress was plain simply
improved with metallic enhancements joined with an excellent kupas, however in
contemporary period the neck range, sleeves and hemline are designed with
weaving using splendid vegetable shaded strings. The metal trimmings are in
like manner supplanted with plastic spots and pearls in a perfect world in
white, dim, yellow, orange, green and red shading. There is no restriction of
shading for any female fitting in with any age or financial wellbeing. The
woolen dress is right away limited to the business use just, especially made for the guests and nonnatives, and are
incredibly expensive. The advancement of the dress is a more noteworthy measure
of Arabic style and bears really no closeness with Greek Ionic, Chiton and Hung

Pati (Belt) :-
It is a
clear belt with edges and long edges contorted around the hip. The belt keeps
the dress set up which for the most part hang unreservedly above waist as
kimono without front opening. The free fabric viably serves as pockets in which
they can keep easily overlooked details like, cash, pins, family relationship
bunches, dry normal items, and other utility things. This pati is consistently
utilized as a knickknack for the guest.[3]

Susit (Minor Crown) :-
minor hood, a less formal embellished thing which is standard and females are
not allowed to be seen without it. This crown is inherent two segments a ring
with a long tail. The tail is approximately 10-15 creeps in length, which hangs
down the back. This crown is given to the young women close by the
"Cou" on her fourth birthday the cap is the picture of pride,
respectability and thankfulness to the family and their tribal identity in the
range so they promise that the child is prepared for dealing with it with
required tastefulness and honorability. The dress and embellishments have
encountered a couple changes. In the past it was just a plain ring with edges
at the back and the sole outline was to support the Kupas because Kupaswere essential
for these females. In the blink of an eye the Kupasare simply kept to
phenomenal occasions and festivities. The young women are more conscious and
think about changes which are happening around them as they have basic access
in domains which were at that point past their imaginative vitality. So now
they have added to an unrivaled tasteful, and are using this office to make
qualification in change in accordance with their social event The young women
used to finish the long edges of string with spots, buttons,cowries and stones
in lines and sections, however now instead of the string.